Social Networking

With the rise of new media and new technology, we have seen it drastically change our lives. Whether it is in our jobs (corporate) or otherwise, new media has affected the society we live in. For corporations, new media has caused them to shift their recruiting tactics. In Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting, Frank Langfitt writes, "Using LinkedIn, Steckerl says he can scout a group of job candidates in just half an hour". Langfitt and Steckerl are praising LinkedIn and other forms of new media for giving companies the ability to search for job candidates easier. Technology like LinkedIn and Facebook allow for companies to search for those who fit the experience they are looking for as well as search their social media history for anything concerning. Corporations also use new media in order to promote their brand and product. By posting on LinkedIn and Facebook, they are able to promote themselves in a positive light for consumers / customers to see.

There are also clear benefits that new media provides to society. It allows people to stay connected with friends and family, even if they are far in distance. New media also allows for debate on major issues to take place. Blogs and Twitter gives people the ability to share their thoughts about controversial topics and bring them to light.

New media is not always used for good, though. In the article Antisocial Networking?, Hilary Stout writes, "To date, much of the concern over all this use of technology has been focused on the implications for kids' intellectual development. Worry about the social repercussions has centered on the darker side of online interactions, like cyber-bullying or texting sexually explicit messages". Stout highlights the "dark side" of new media, and the negativity that can be spread through new media.

In my opinion, I think new media and technology is going to expand to make it easier to post. One thing I see being the future is the Google Glass or something similar, and being able to post exactly what you are seeing through the glasses online. That would be pretty cool if a company can make that happen!


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