
New media fosters creativity because it has given people a voice. New media such as Twitter, for example, has allowed its users to share their ideas on a platform that would allow it to grow to something bigger. Claire Miller says in her article Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers, "Then, it outsourced its idea generation to its users. The company watches how people use the service and which ideas catch on. Then its engineers turn the ideas into new features". On Twitter, users can drive the conversation about what they want to see and the company will implement it if it gains traction. This is the perfect example of how new media drives creativity. New media allows users to reach many people and even companies, to drive the change they would like to see. This ability fosters creativity because it gives users the hope that their ideas can influence others.


  1. I agree that people are given a voice. Whereas, old media only allowed for 1 way conversations and didn't promote a group discussion. Companies and even people can benefit from people voicing their opinion and seeing more of what is ideal in a company.


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