File sharing, in general, is the distribution or access to digital media such as books, movies, and music. There are several ways this can be done. One notable way is P2P, or Peer-to-peet, file sharing. P2P file sharing is that same distribution of digital media but using a P2P network in which computers are connected on the network without a central admin. The way it works without a central admin system is by having each "peer" allocate a certain amount of processing power or bandwidth to other participants. One example of P2P file sharing is highlighted by Clive Thompson in his article "The BitTorrent Effect". BitTorrent was a P2P file sharing program that allowed users to quickly upload and download large amounts of data. The way it came about was when the founder demonstrated it at a hacker conference as a way to swap software online, but quickly turned into an illegal way to download content. Other examples of P2P file sharing programs are Napster and Spotify.


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